Most Eastern European countries have their own borscht version, and Belarus is not an exception. Called bors by the Belarusians, the dish is a thick and rich cabbage-and-beet soup with meat, grains, and potatoes.
In Belarus, preparing sauerkraut involves draining the cabbage and then mixing it with butter-fried onions. A sprinkle of sugar is added, and then the vegetable is simmered slowly before the dish is served hot.
Other sauerkraut recipes call for a combination of cooked beets, some brown onions, and/or potatoes. Still another way of preparing sauerkraut is by fermenting with cranberries or apples, and then serving it with sour cream.
This fruit dessert is quite easy to prepare, and you can use any cooked summer fruit or berry.
To make kisiel, the hot cooked fruit is pressed through a sieve and then placed back over the heat. Cornstarch is used to thicken the concoction, and sugar is added. After the sweet dish has been allowed to cool, it is often served with light cream.
Babka is a kind of layered pancake with grated potatoes and minced meat filling. Some types of babka are stuffed with pork; bacon is a popular filling choice.
To make babka, the meat is first fried with onions until the onions become translucent. Potatoes are then mixed in. Afterward, a thin layer of sour cream is added. Finally, the mixture is baked in an oven.
Blinis are, basically, puffy little bite-sized pancakes made with a raising agent such as yeast. Different kinds of flour can be used. In Belarus, the have a blini called the raschinnie, which is made with oatmeal flour. Other variations are made with white flour or buckwheat flour or a combination of the two.
Blinis make delicious party snacks. They are popularly served with toppings of cottage cheese, sour cream, smoked fish, or caviar.
Hello fellow travelers! My name is Mary and I am the main author of Traveling East. Just like any other travel enthusiasts, traveling has also been our passion! For inquiries, suggestions or anything travel related, please feel free to send us an E-mail at