Nepal’s local name for Mt. Everest is Sagarmatha, or “goddess of the sky.”
2. The flag of Nepalis the only national flag that is not quadrilateral in shape.
3. Eight of the world’s highest peaks can be found in Nepal.
4. Kathmandu was once known as Kantipur, which means the “City of Glory.”
5. Touching anything with your feet is considered offensive in Nepal.
6. In the 1700s, Gorkha king Prithvi Narayan conquered Kathmandu valley without any bloodshed, by attacking while the people were celebrating the Indra Jatra festival.
7. There is a famous street in Kathmandunamed Freak Street, where hippies lived in the 1960s and 1970s.
8. The abominable snowman, also known as the yeti, is a legendary apelike creature that is believed to frequent the high valleys of Nepal.
9. Greetings in Nepalare similar to the greetings in India– people put their palms together and then bow their forehead, saying “Namaste,” which directly translates to “I salute the God in you.”
10. Sherpas, an ethnic group from the eastern mountainous part of Nepal, are usually employed as porters for mountain expeditions because, on account of their genetics and upbringing, they do not suffer the effect of altitude as adversely as other people do.

Hello fellow travelers! My name is Mary and I am the main author of Traveling East. Just like any other travel enthusiasts, traveling has also been our passion! For inquiries, suggestions or anything travel related, please feel free to send us an E-mail at